Pursuant to the provision of Art.27, para. 3 of Ordinance № 2 of FSC as of 17.09.2003 ON THE PROSPECTUSES TO BE PUBLISHED WHEN SECURITIES ARE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC OR ADMITTED TO TRADING ON A REGULATED MARKET AND ON DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION BY THE PUBLIC COMPANIES AND THE OTHER ISSUERS OF SECURITIES we present this documents which refers to the whole information which EUROTERRA BULGARIA Plc has published or otherwise made available to the public over the preceding 12 months in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another member State:
1. EUROTERRA BULGARIA Plc has disclosed regulated information regarding the company to the Financial Supervision Commission through the integrated system for disclosure of information in an electronic way E – Register as the information is available on the website of FSC – www.fsc.bg.
2. As of 01.01.2010 EUROTERRA BULGARIA Plc has disclosed information to the public through the electronic media – INFOSTOCK.BG – www.infostock.bg, where the whole information disclosed to the public can be found.
The information disclosed to the public is also available on the corporate website of EUROTERRA BULGARIA Plc – www.euroterrabulgaria.bg.